About This Content Between the times when the great Milk Sea drank Great Wisentia and the rise of the Calves of Moo-Noo, there was a beastly age on Flexon. But hark! Here rises the Bullbarian from his long slumber! Having dined on raw meat and spiced milk, he sets off into the wild yonder. Kings beg for his services, witches tremble in his wake and gladiators shake with fear as he approaches. Now, he finds himself with a stranger crew still as a band of Awesomenauts have plucked him from the mists of his bygone era. The times may be unfamiliar to him, but one thing is unchanged: in battle, the mightiest hoof still wins. This DLC contains a custom skin for Deadlift in Awesomenauts. You need to have Deadlift available as a playable character in order to access the skin in-game. Owning this skin will also unlock the special portrait for use in-game. This skin contains a fully customized voice set! 6d5b4406ea Title: Awesomenauts - Bullbarian Deadlift SkinGenre: Action, Free to Play, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Ronimo GamesPublisher:Ronimo GamesRelease Date: 14 Jun, 2017 Awesomenauts - Bullbarian Deadlift Skin Download Compressed File
Awesomenauts - Bullbarian Deadlift Skin Download Compressed File
Updated: Mar 17, 2020